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Your Greatest Ability is your Teachability 🔥 [Video]

Mentorship for Women

Your Greatest Ability is your Teachability 🔥

Your Greatest Ability is your Teachability 🔥

I had a mentor who once told me that your greatest ability will always be your teachability.

I thought about that for a long time.

That’s basically humility.

I think the areas that I have the most success in, in my life are because I chose to get coaching, leadership, mentorship.

A lot of people are like, yeah, but there’s nobody around me that can lead me, pay for it, pay for a coach, pay for a therapist, pay for a mentor, stop living in victim mindsets and mentalities and living powerless to your own life.

It’s way more important that you invest money and time into mentorship and leadership.

If you don’t have the appropriate skill sets and character traits to get to where you need to go, get them from someone.

Pay for it.

If it might cost you a meal or two, isn’t that worth it in the grand scheme of your life?
#teachable #greatness #Business #Relationship #Jesus #Christian #mentorship #leadership #investinyourself #selfgrowth #personaldevelopment #growthmindset #empowerment #lifecoach

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