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Tips for Self Care [Video]


Tips for Self Care

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Vandana Raj, pen name Vindi Kohli is a Single Mom, “Homemaker turned Entrepreneur to a Holistic Therapist”, a spiritually grounded, compassionate, mother of 3 beautiful girls.
She founded Find My ‘ME’ Holistic Healing Retreat in 2020 to co-create the Healing Echo System, a place to build Inner Peace, Inner Love, Faith, Stability and Clarity in your life.
Currently she is helping over 5000+ women entrepreneurs, Healers, Homemakers, and professionals to enhance their Inner Wisdom.
She’s an international best-selling author of the book Find My ‘ME’ and is on a mission to help 1,00,000 Women Entrepreneurs to get clarity in finding their True Inner Purpose to have Peace of Mind by using the RHYTHM Mind Tool.

The RHYTHM is a modern age Mind Tool which helps to Reprogram the Mental patterns to balance the four wheels of your life; Physical, Mental, Emotional & Spiritual, where you have the control of the life’s Steering Wheel. This Tool helps in creating the patterns of Wellness and Acceptance and you will identify your hidden strengths which eventually will make you achieve your desired goals in your personal and professional life.

“A true healer is the one who heals himself first so others can benefit from his own healing.
Each one of us has a Healer within.”

Vindi Kohli
Am Author l Life Designer l Counsellor l Entrepreneur

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