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Bronwyn Bridges – Making The Dream A Reality [Video]


Bronwyn Bridges – Making The Dream A Reality

Bronwyn Bridges is a PhD student in Pharmacy at Memorial University in Newfoundland, and the Co-Founder & CEO, of PragmaClin, a company focused on assessing and monitoring neurological conditions such as Parkinson’s disease. Alongside her co-founder and COO, Gord Genge, an entrepreneur who has Parkinson’s, the pair are making a difference in the lives of patients with movement disorders. Their PRIMS software runs tests on a patient using cameras to remotely monitor motor and non-motor skills. 

Bronwyn joins us to talk about her varied background, the challenges she was up against in her entrepreneurial journey, the experience of pitching her business and her advice for future women entrepreneurs!

PragmaClin is a recent Volta Cohort winner, and has also won a top prize of $25,000 at the Mel Woodward Cup – a competition for startups connected to MUN, the Bounce Health Embryo grants grand prize – focused on medtech startups, and the Global Student Entrepreneur Awards National Finals. All of these pitch wins are totalling $125,000 since March.

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