Finance for Women

Top tips retirees wish they had known FREE AMERICA NETWORK [Video]

There are mounting challenges for retirees as the average lifespan increases, but some Americans still aren’t saving enough.

The median amount working-age families in the United States have saved for retirement is $5,000, according to the Economic Policy Institute, and nearly half of American families have no money stashed away.

Meanwhile, nearly one-third of current retirees report spending just as much or more money once they have entered retirement, according to a survey from MoneyTips.

While the retirement age has been set at 65, many Americans are working past the traditional retirement age in order to enjoy a more financially secure future.

In the second quarter of 2017, more than 18% of people ages 65 and older were still working at least part-time, according to Bureau of Labor Statistics data.

So what can you do now to bolster your nest egg? Here are the top tips from retirees to help …

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