Finance for Women

Stephanie Bradstreet, Murray High School [Video]

“Stephanie is a teacher in Family and Consumer Sciences Education that cares about her students’ success. She teaches Financial Literacy, Interior Design, Human Development, and Food and Nutrition 1 to students in 10-12th grade. She works hard to create meaningful lessons for students. She collaborated with another teacher to create a faculty/staff book club that meets once a month, and she takes on additional responsibilities to help create a positive work environment.”

-Stephanie Bradstreet

About Teacher Features on KSL NewsRadio

Teachers are the backbone of our community, and at KSL NewsRadio, we want to highlight the hard work they put in to help their students. 

Do you know a teacher that goes above and beyond? Nominate them today by letting us know how incredible they are, attach their photo, and they’ll have the chance to win a huge prize totaling over $1,000!  

Teacher Feature prizes are generously sponsored by the folks at Cyprus Credit Union, who are dedicated to honoring …

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