Sabryia Reese was at rock bottom when she decided to let go and let God. Today, she is a sought-after brand architect and creative director, better known as The Fairy Brandmother®. This week on the Mompreneurs podcast, Reese joined host and New York Times bestselling author Nancy Redd to share her inspiring journey.

Reese’s journey began at rock bottom.

Not even a decade ago, the native New Yorker found herself homeless, living in a shelter with her one-year-old at the time. Forced to look inward during this dark moment, she had a breakthrough. “I found myself in a homeless shelter in Brooklyn, New York. And after getting over myself, after crying and wondering how I got there, I said, ‘You know what God? If you get me out of here, I’m going to do whatever it takes to be who you’ve called me to be, because I can’t be anything else anymore. It clearly hasn’t been working, so I …