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Peer mentorship retreat for business owners [Video]

Mentorship for Women

Peer mentorship retreat for business owners

🧠You need a small but mighty brain trust of other solo business owners who have been through similar trials and tribulations, to sound off with, to commiserate, and to reflect your intelligence and resilience back to you.

🌄You need a beautiful location that’s away from everything and everyone. To quiet the noise. To look at beauty while your brain sorts things out. Along with nourishing, home cooked meals, and fun stuff too like a silent disco dance party, trip to a local swimming hole, and more.

🤔Reflection is just as important as being in creator or doer mode. It’s something I’ve been absolutely terrible at in my business, but every time I make time for it, I feel such relief, clarity, and forward momentum.

📈It doesn’t always have to be about feelings. Taking time to look at the numbers in your business is just as important, whether we mean pageviews or income vs expenses or your google analytics.

🤓Making time to reflect on what’s working and what’s not can help us gain clarity. This stuff is painful. Lots of times, shame comes up. We’re embarrassed at how much we don’t know. We have a half a million things to do anyway, so what happens is we keep writing “figure out new marketing strategy” on a post-it, and every month it never gets done.

Reflecting on the ways we’ve had to pivot and what’s working will give us clarity so that we can move forward with purpose.

Details are at https://amberkarnes.com/pivot-retreat-2024

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