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Midlife Momentum: Redefining Success & Purpose with Dr. Breese Annable Female Entrepreneurs Magazine [Video]


Midlife Momentum: Redefining Success & Purpose with Dr. Breese Annable Female Entrepreneurs Magazine

Dr. Breese Annable, a licensed clinical psychologist with over 15 years of experience, brings a deep understanding of what it takes to create meaningful change in life and work. By leveraging the personal evolution that naturally occurs in midlife, Dr. Annable helps women take a fresh, creative look at their lives and design careers that reflect who they are becoming, rather than staying stagnant in who they’ve been. With a focus on both personal and professional growth, she encourages women to move beyond traditional definitions of success and take decisive action toward work that aligns with their innate strengths, gifts, and values—leading to careers that feel purposeful and exciting. Drawing on her extensive background in psychology, Dr. Annable equips her clients with the tools, clarity, and confidence to navigate career transitions thoughtfully and decisively, reclaiming midlife as a time of renewed creativity, inspiration, purpose, and joy.

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