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Jefferson Elementary holds Financial Literacy Program for 5th grade students [Video]

Finance for Women

PARKERSBURG, W.Va. (WTAP) – Jefferson Elementary 5th grade students held a virtual tour with the American Sign Museum to get an understanding of the cost of food and groceries from before they were born compared to what it costs now.

From that tour they broke into different groups with a set amount of money to budget for clothes, food, activities and other day-to-day things they will have to spend money on as they get older.

Some students chose fancier clothes and sacrificed food while others wore less expensive clothing to prioritize food and other activities.

The program was a fun, educational way to bring knowledge to students who soon will have jobs and budget for gas, food, clothes and fun with friends.

Two students thought today was a good exercise for themselves and their classmates for what their life could look like in the future.

“So, we learned that out …

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