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Episode 40 “Women In Business” With: Luba Papirov [Video]

Women in Business

Episode 40 “Women In Business” With: Luba Papirov

The world of business and starting your own is a tremendous feat, especially for women. To highlight and give a voice to these successful women who are overcoming the misogyny for doing a “man’s job”, this week’s guest speaker is Luba Papirov, a successful business woman. In this episode of Ride The Wave, we learn a woman’s perspective in the world of business, and the challenges that one will face and as a woman in society. Remember to Like, Subscribe, and turn on Notifications to get updates about future episodes, and to see clips from past ones that may interest you!Ride The Wave is more than just a Podcast. We’re a Nonprofit Foundation dedicated to helping those who are impoverished or marginalized. Go to our website to learn more about us, and follow our socials for updates, clips, and more:** https://www.ridethewave.org/ **#ridethewave #podcast #ridethewavepodcast #ridethewavefoundation #strength #womeninbusiness #womensvoices

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