Motivation and Empowerment

EP 55: Real Confidence- Quit Letting Your Closet Crush Your Confidence with Special Guest Ginger … [Video]

EP 55: Real Confidence- Quit Letting Your Closet Crush Your Confidence with Special Guest Ginger …

If you’ve been in my world for a while, you know I identify many things we don’t even recognize that can crush our confidence – like difficult decisions, new situations, toxic people, even our own self-sabotage! But I bet you didn’t realize how much confidence your CLOSET could be taking from you every day. And it doesn’t matter what type of closet, what type of clothing, or what type of occasion. Many people (especially women), are victims to the silent confidence killers lurking right in their closets.

That’s why I’m so stoked to share the wardrobe wisdom I received from an old friend and expert image consultant, Ginger Burr.

Ginger’s built a business around helping others look and feel their confident best.  She explains how and what to do to create a closet of confidence that goes beyond just knowing what color or sleeve length looks best on you. It’s about building a wardrobe that reflects what really looks good, feels good and most importantly, reflects your unique lifestyle and values.  

They say clothes make the man. In this female-focused episode, you’ll see that a confident woman makes smart clothing choices that work for her. 

 Highlights from our conversation include: 

• Why having more options, isn’t necessarily better for your confidence

• The reason your go-to, most-worn pieces could be the last things you choose to wear

• How to empower yourself to choose to buy, return or refer it to someone else!

• Ginger’s three-step process for identifying the pieces that can build or break your confidence; and

For over 30 years, Ginger Burr has helped women around the world create wardrobes they love by connecting with their inner essence through private consultation and with her Who Taught You How to Dress? coaching program. Ginger has also provided her expertise in Worth, Forbes, and Bloomberg Businessweek magazines. You can learn more about Ginger and her services at (

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