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Productivity Hacks – Avoid These 7 Morning Routine Mistakes [Video]


Productivity Hacks – Avoid These 7 Morning Routine Mistakes

Productivity Hacks – Avoid These 7 Morning Routine Mistakes

If you win the morning, you win the day. You don’t need to wake up at 4 am, plunge into ice baths, chant affirmations and drink fancy elixirs. Here are the 7 biggest morning routine mistakes I see people make in the morning that ruin their productivity.

00:00 Topic Summary
02:10 1st Morning Routine Mistake to Avoid
03:46 2nd Morning Routine Mistake to Avoid
04:24 3rd Morning Routine Mistake to Avoid
05:39 5th Morning Routine Mistake to Avoid
06:45 6th Morning Routine Mistake to Avoid
07:33 7th Morning Routine Mistake to Avoid
08:14 Closing

1. There is no Sleep Routine
One of the best ways to improve your quality of sleep is to go to bed and wake up at the same time every day. This enhances your circadian rhythm, and you will attack the day with more energy, clarity, and alertness. A reverse alarm in the evening should alert you and trigger a ‘ready for bed’ routine.

2. You Scroll Aimlessly in Bed
This mistake is all too common and robs you of valuable time that could be spent on building a business that makes your dreams a reality. Consuming reels, looking at stories and watching YouTube are not going to get you closer to success. In fact, they are going to only take you away from doing the things that matter most.

3. Your Morning Routine takes too Long
A morning routine is essential for success But it should be short, sharp, and efficient. A mistake I see are morning routines that literally take hours because they include everything you could possibly imagine. You have avoided the important work to complete a routine that is completely unnecessary.

4. You Work on the Wrong Tasks
The morning should be spent on tasks that move the business forward. It should be on what Stephen Covey refers to as ‘non-urgent important’ work. This may include copywriting, creation of funnels, sales scripts, proposals etc

5. Poor Planning
Your morning routine begins the night before when you should do two major things:
A. Brain Dump
You want to get all the tasks, thoughts, and ideas out of your head and onto paper, so you are not kept up all night ruminating
B. Plan your Next Day
You should map out the most important tasks and block out time for all appointments. This enables you to hit the ground running in the morning.

6. You Don’t Hydrate or get Sunlight
During sleep, the body goes without water for several hours, leading to a state of mild dehydration upon waking up. Consuming water in the morning will jumpstart your metabolism and cognitive function. Getting sunlight in the morning will increase alertness, cognitive function, and productivity. It can also help reduce feelings of drowsiness and improve focus and concentration

7. You Don’t Protect your Morning Routine
A great morning routine can be the difference between being successful or unsuccessful in your business pursuits. You need to protect the morning routine with discipline and commitment.

Instead of following a long list of activities, it’s better to focus on simple but effective habits such as establishing a sleep routine, avoiding aimless scrolling in bed, prioritizing non-urgent important tasks, planning the day ahead, hydrating, getting sunlight, and protecting the routine with discipline and commitment.

Watch Next:
01. 5 Most Effective Tips For Energy Boost
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02. Only Productivity Tip You’ll EVER Need
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Connect with me:
Dan Henderson
Business Coach
Business Inquiries: [email protected]

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