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$0 to $1,000,000 and FI in Her 40s After a BIG Wake-Up Call [Video]

Finance for Women

$0 to $1,000,000 and FI in Her 40s After a BIG Wake-Up Call

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Christine Wong went from under $1,000 in her bank account to over a million dollar net worth in less than a decade. She grew up with limited financial education and never even imagined the concept of FIRE until a few years ago. Now, she’s FI (financially independent) BUT still chooses to work. Christine gives some strong reasons why she WON’T retire early but why financial independence is still crucial, even if you don’t hate your job.

Christine’s wake-up call came when she calculated how long it would take for her to become a millionaire at retirement by saving alone. The answer: over 200 years! Lacking the fountain of youth, Christine began testing out investing. A few dollars here, a few dollars there, and eventually, she got her groove, gaining enough confidence to invest more and more of her paycheck. Now, she owns multiple rental units, has a thriving stock portfolio, and is investing in one more unique investment, helping her passively achieve her FI number. Want to hear what it is? Stick around!

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